The Procurement Doctor
This blog is designed for procurement and supply chain professionals to share best practice in order to improve the profession and its reputation. For me a job in procurement is one of the best jobs in an organisation and can be a key determinant of success for the whole enterprise. (I've often been in situations where it is the contribution from the procurement function that makes the difference between profit and loss!) Unfortunately, far too often Procurement is seen as a low level administrative function, and businesses effectively leave money on the table by failing to take advantage of what a professional procurement and supply chain function can offer.
Our mission for this site is to provide thought leadership, whilst remaining fearlessly independent and pragmatic, (unlike some others who are influenced by politics or corporate sponsorship), and will search out best practice across our profession without an ulterior motive or hidden agenda. We also aim to provide a bridge to academic research in order to ensure that practitioners benefit from the latest thinking, and academics keep an eye on the realities of being a practitioner.
Come and join us on this quest for improvement - we welcome all contributions, as the profession will benefit from the interaction and debate.
Dr Paul Joesbury