By Dr Paul Joesbury - based on a paper by Michael Rogerson and Professor Glenn Parry (Rogerson and Parry 2019)
Much has been written about Blockchain, and the phrase has now entered the vocabulary as a way of improving supply chain visibility (SCV), traceability, trust and as a way of providing risk mitigation.
Originally developed to underpin the Bitcoin cryptocurrency, blockchains are now starting to be used within other scenario’s – typically where there is a requirement for enhanced levels of control or visibility. A recent paper by Michael Rogerson and Professor Glenn Parry (Rogerson and Parry 2019) investigates how Blockchain has moved beyond cryptocurrencies and is being deployed within real-world applications through the analysis of 4 case studies.
Below is a link to the full paper which summarises their research findings for a practitioner audience, as part of a series of academic "Translation" documents created between Emerald Publishing and the Procurement Doctor, that aims to promote the linking of academia and practice. For additional information please contact emerald publishing on or the procurement doctor on
The full paper can be accessed here
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