By David Loseby MCIOB (Chartered CM), FAPM, FCMI, FCIPS Chartered, FRSA

It has now become a well worn statement i.e. that we are living within unprecedented times, and risk management has been catapulted to the fore. The objective of achieving a stable business model, particularly when it is under external and organizational pressure is one of the recently debated leadership competencies referred to as a “dynamic capability”. In essence this is the conscious strategic response to market conditions, by adapting and remodeling resources and the models they must operate within to meet a changing risk landscape. A recent research paper looked at this issue in terms of 5
frames or domains, which has been "translated" for a practitioner audience
Below is a link to the translation which summarizes their research findings as part of a series of academic "Translation" documents created between Emerald Publishing and the Procurement Doctor, that aims to promote the linking of academia and practice. For additional information please contact emerald publishing on or the procurement doctor on
Click HERE to access the full paper
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